Childhood is the age of dreams and imagination. If you were to ask a child about his dreams for the future they come up with the most interesting and fascinating responses: a mermaid or Captain America or something better than that. From their innocent eyes everything seems simple and within their reach.
This is the age when they learn about representational thoughts and symbols (like drawing a picture to represent an animal or words to describe them); further on, they love pretend games, experimenting and exploring where they can ignite their boundless imaginative skills and love for learning. Hence, a world of their own creation commences!
Early childhood is the perfect time for children to think differently and spark their curiosity. By providing them freedom to create new ideas and thoughts we can foster their creative development.
However, in the present educational system children are taught to cram up knowledge, follow the rules and do as the system says. Any divergent way of thinking is completely discouraged by proclaiming it ‘the wrong way of thinking.’ Even their assessment is done on the basis of how well he/she can mug up the things taught by the teacher, not how well he/she has understood and can use the knowledge in an innovative way. If you can do good in these aspects then, Great! Or else the system declares him a failure and a ‘not so bright’ student. And in the midst of it all their creativity eventually dampens with time.
Here are some ways to foster creative development in children:
- Create a space to think outside- the- box
In a free atmosphere we can allow the children to come up with their own conclusions or problem solving techniques.
- Ask open ended questions which provoke critical thinking
Questions with no wrong answers like if they are doing something ask them about what they enjoyed about the activity or how they’re doing it.
- Outdoor activities
By providing a range of experiences like going to the zoo, museums, etc children can be taught of the outside world.
- Encourage inventive storytelling
By allowing children to make up stories through series of pictures or a set words we can encourage them to explore their imaginative mind.
- Invite them to create
Children can be introduced to new skills associated with creativity like painting, sculpting,playing music.
As the word ‘individual’ itself suggests- all people are born unique. They have their own set of skills and talent. From a very young age children should be given a free space to learn and think outside the box. Through innovative learning, they should be encouraged to be the best version of themselves.
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